Final Fantasy XIV is celebrating one year of local adventures, thanks to their Materia servers

Square Enix have announced that it has been one year since the local Materia servers went live for Final Fantasy XIV, meaning one year without massive amount of lag and one year of playing with people who speak the same lingo.
Part of the celebration has had the local team partner up with Twitch baker MissMollyMakes, to create two locally flavoured items, but themed like Final Fantasy icons. In fact you can actually download the recipes if you want to make them for yourself. But first, check out the videos below to see how they were made.
As for the recipes, here is the Chocobo Lamington and click here for the Cactuar Cupcakes.
Of course, that is all in celebration of the year, but what took place in the past 12 months, it turns out a heck of a lot. Here are a few things that the players themselves have said about their time on Materia
Mark Withers: "I started running a regular glamour contest on the Materia DC when it opened, and met a bunch of mad lads in-game. We got to meet up in person at PAX AUS and fight Zodiark together. It was an absolute blast seeing everyone and hanging out IRL as a result of my events on Materia."
Janet R.: "The first night on Materia was so special, waving and saying hello to everyone. There was also a lot of stopping to laugh and congratulate people on their choice of some great Aussie and Kiwi names!"
John Benedict T. Gabitan: “Ever since the new DC opened, FFXIV has been more recognisable in NZ. I've met some players locally after they recognised my Yshtola car at a local convention!"
Lyn: "Because we're such a localised DC, I actually recognise names when I end up playing with people again. Everybody remembers mine, so it's nice to recognise others too!"
Aaron S: "After being homeless on the server for almost six months, we saw that one of our FC members won a house in the first round, so we had an FC party in their empty house!"
One of the callouts was for PAX Australia, where once again Square Enix were on hand with Final Fantasy XIV to showcase the game and give players a chance to test their skills in one of two challenges.
The game is of course still growing, with a big update launching just earlier this month and more still to come. So a big congratulations to Final Fantasy XIV and their one year anniversary of Materia, the only question is, what comes next?