Gollum is going to star in his own videogame

Coming a little out of left field, Daedalic Entertainment has announced that they are working on a game, featuring one of the literary world’s most interesting characters, Gollum.
The Lord of the Rings – Gollum. This all-new action adventure title is being brought to life in-house by Daedalic Entertainment’s award-winning development team and is set for release in 2021 on PC and all relevant console platforms at that time. Right now though, all we have it some art and quotes, but given the nature of the Daedalic works, which always put story first, this can only be a good thing. Of course, who ever becomes the voice of the character, is going to be compared to that of Andy Serkis, so hopefully they convince the talented actor to come back and voice him again.
“We are extremely pleased to announce our partnership with multi-award-winning Daedalic Entertainment, to build an innovative, lore-centric game for discerning fans of The Lord of the Rings. With their focus on characters and story, enhanced by rich and evocative artwork, Daedalic is committed to ‘building games for readers who become gamers", commented Fredrica Drotos, Brand Officer for Middle-earth Enterprises. “We eagerly anticipate the release of Daedalic’s narrative-driven adventure gameplay, which is uniquely matched to the complex, deeply-nuanced world of Middle-earth, created by J.R.R. Tolkien.”
“The Lord of the Rings is one of the most epic and renowned stories of all time - it's an honour for us to have the opportunity to work on our own contribution to this universe,” said Carsten Fichtelmann, CEO and Co-Founder of Daedalic Entertainment. “In Gollum, players will assume the role of one of the most iconic characters in Middle-earth. We tell Gollum's story from a perspective never seen before, in any storytelling medium, all the while staying true to the legendary books of J.R.R. Tolkien.”
“At a time when the games industry is undergoing structural changes and seeing new business models evolve, we are excited to realize a huge new production based on a story that has stayed fresh and relevant for more than 60 years. Other currently planned media productions based on J.R.R. Tolkien's work are testament to that.”