Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary comes to PC today

Last year Xbox announced Game Pass was coming to PC and that announcement was followed up by the reveal that the entire Master Chief Collection would be coming to PC. Later in the year, we saw Halo: Reach release, but now it is time for the original, as Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary is now available.
This is not the first time that the original Halo has been on PC, Gearbox helped Bungie bring the title over not long after the Xbox release, but it marks the first time for the remaster. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is now optimized for PC and looking better than ever at up to 4k UHD and at 60+ FPS. Other PC native settings include customizable mouse and keyboard support, ultrawide support, FOV customization, and more.
Plus as the Anniversary release, you can toggle between the original and remastered visuals, at the press of a key, that is the same for the campaign or the games multiplayer mode, which is packed with 19 classic maps.
You can get it on both Windows Store and Steam now, if you own the entire package, then you have access already, else its about $11 bucks to buy it.