Hawkeye - Episode 4 - Review

With the third episode of Hawkeye ending with our hero standing with a sword to his throat, if this was an older show, there would have been someone asking the question, how would he get out of that situation, but while Clint did, it wasn’t because he did anything and that basically sums up the fourth episode.
Clint is removed from danger, because while Kate advised no-one was home in the previous episode, it turns out that there were folks home, namely Jack and Eleanor. What could have been an interesting fight between Clint and Jack, turned into tea around the dinner table, with Kate attempting to explain everything, with the same level of enthusiasm as a kid who is explaining their day of school to the parents. Through the exchange, Clint just sits there, barely agreeing to any of the story beats that Kate is dropping, and once he leaves, a quick text message to his wife, gets him the same intel that Kate was attempting to dig up in the first, which really undercuts that entire visit. But while Clint is still working the case, Kate is having a weird family moment with her mother and Jack and while it could be considered charming, the fact we know Jack is more than what he shows others, undercuts that impact.
Clint wasn’t really used here to any extent, he had his wife get the intel he needed, he sent Kate out to get the arrows back and even when planning the incursion into the apartment, he didn’t stop Kate from taking his place. The overall effect was that he felt more like someone watching the events of the episode unfold, rather than someone who was interested in taking part and while he is old now, ice packs from the freezer emphasising that, he was never someone to sit by before. Kate once again proved to be a character of extremes, at one time she is all serious and mature and then moments later she is carefree and childlike, but there is still no middle ground to that, there is no balance. The final moments, with the rooftop fight had the potential to be interesting, but it really didn’t feel like it was special, countless tv shows have done rooftop fights, the DC shows for one and of course the Netflix Daredevil shows as well, the catch here was that it felt blurry at times.
The problem with filming four characters, all of whom are wearing dark clothes, means that when you film them fighting in the dark, it can be hard to see who is where and doing what, something this fight - really the only action of the episode, proved. The show forcing viewers to see the stingers, in red, from one of the fighters, highlighted the fact that one of them was a Black Widow, but as Clint never got a look at the face, he has no idea who it might be. This also brings up issues with the timeline, given the Red Room was destroyed just after the events of Civil War, but that’s a discussion for another time. Anyone who has seen the Black Widow movie, will understand the character popping up here and it makes sense, but for those who haven’t, it is a little confusing.
If I have said it once, I have said it dozens of times by now, but the overall pacing the Marvel Studios tv shows is broken, there is a lot that needs to happen, but never does and when we get something, it is usually superfluous. The time that Clint and Kate spent together embracing their skills and celebrating Christmas was nice, but seeing Kate develop her own trick shot after what can only be assumed, was a few minutes, just didn’t sit with me. The conversation with Kazi and Clint in the car, had more weight, because it offered some progression to the story, really the only progression and while the part about the watch was interesting and did raise additional questions, the only one that popped up for me, is how did Clint know the watch was taken, as it was never mentioned by him before then.
Hawkeye is struggling to maintain interest for me, there are some fun moments in each episode, and this one was no exception, the problem is that the levity needs to be bracketed against either drama or action and this episode didn’t offer enough of those elements to support the celebration sequence. Kate is still unbalanced, bouncing from moody teen to hyperactive child at the drop of a hat and while Clint’s ‘I’m getting to old for this shit’ expressions make sense, its getting harder to root for him. There are only two episodes left in the season and I truly hope that things start moving forward, the story has the right elements, but so far it seems intent on holding its breath, waiting for the perfect moment to exhale and let fly that next arrow.
The Score
The Pros
+Clint strapping himself down with slushie mix to rest his weary bones
+Kate talking up the fact she is working with an Avenger to anyone she can
The Cons
-Fighting in the dark, when dressed in black, does not make for good tv
-Clint forcing Kate to be his gopher, leaving him time to do anything else