Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Bargain Guide

If there was a game that we never thought we would get, it was a prequel to Breath of the Wild, we know a sequel is coming, but that is still a ways off. While this might not be the adventure game people want, it is another entry in the Hyrule Warriors series, something else many thought would not happen again.
While Japan is getting a special edition of the game, you can see a picture of that below, we have to go with the standard version of it. Across the space, prices are pretty solid, so it is really just a matter of picking your retailer of choice, for those that are not sure, there is a demo that you can download here, with your progress from it transferring to the full game.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - $79.95
Nintendo eShop
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - $79.95
Nintendo Switch Online Voucher compatible