Legacy of the Sith is the next expansion for Star Wars The Old Republic

Earlier this morning, the team behind Star Wars The Old Republic at Bioware Austin, hosted a live stream that went into detail about the upcoming expansion for the game. Called ‘Legacy of the Sith’, this years expansion will add new story content and more to the game, but also make it more appealing for newcomers to start their galactic adventure, whilst also celebrating 10 years of the game.
Legacy of the Sith will send players to the darkest depths and farthest reaches of the galaxy and unlock the ability to choose your personal combat style, allowing for more options than ever before when it comes to living and breathing your own Star Wars fantasy.
Something new for the game are that they are calling Combat Styles. This new system separates from the Class Story, to give players an even great range of customisation options. For example, this frees up the Advanced Class options, as characters can now wield any of the advanced class options from within the tech or force playstyles.
This means you can be a trooper, who now uses a sniper rifle, or a Sith who uses two lightsabers and beyond, plus loadouts will increase your range of options, because you will be able to swap between playstyles with just a click.
It is not just new play options, there are also new locales to visit, such as the underwater depths of Manaan. Here you will find that the Sith Empire has invaded Manaan to seize its abundance of kolto, a vital medical resource on all sides of the war. Battle through underwater facilities for control of the planet with separate Imperial and Republic Storylines. Completing the Manaan storyline will unlock a new base of operations for your faction, along with a new daily area!
That is not all of course, the story continues on the planet Elom with the discovery of a ruined Sith Fortress that was mysteriously erased from all records. Rumors persist that Darth Malgus--on the hunt for ancient relics throughout the galaxy--may have found something critical to the future of the Jedi and the Sith. This new storyline will be available both as a solo experience as well as a multiplayer Flashpoint.
Plus with more locations, a new companion called Fen Zell, a new season of content and a host of improvements across the board, there is a lot to look forward to in this release.
If you want to watch the entire presentation, you can do so below, the video does last for around 50 minutes though, so be aware of that.