Star Wars The Old Republic delays its expansion Legacy of the Sith

Bioware have announced that the Legacy of the Sith expansion, which was due out next week for Star Wars The Old Republic, the MMO, has been delayed and will now release on February 15, 2022.
Project Director Keith Kanneg, took to the games official site to provide the reason for the delay, in short they just needed a little more time, you can read the full statement below if you prefer.
We have made the difficult decision to delay the release of Legacy of the Sith to February 15, 2022.
Like many of you reading this, I personally cannot wait for the launch of our next expansion. I've greatly enjoyed my time exploring the depths of Manaan, testing out new story and ability combinations with Combat Styles, and more during internal playtests.
Legacy of the Sith is something the team has been hard at work on for quite a while but as we get ever closer to launch, it is clear that we need a bit more time. We’re focusing additional testing on the many areas we have changed throughout the game to deliver the experience we want, and one that you deserve.
In addition, during our public test server (PTS) your feedback was invaluable in helping us to shape this expansion. Outside of story content (to avoid spoilers) the majority of the expansion and its features will be returning to the PTS for all subscribers this week.
We're thrilled to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic with all of you over the next year with Legacy of the Sith and more!
If you truly can’t wait until next year, the games Public Test Server is live again with some of the content, such as items, combat options and more, but not the story content. You can head over here to learn more about what is included and if you want to join in, just how you can do that.