Minecraft RTX is getting an open beta this week

Microsoft, Mojang and Nvidia have announced that Minecraft is going into Open Beta on April 16, that is two days from now, though you might be wondering why a game that has been out for a decade is getting an open beta now.
This beta is for the RTX version of Minecraft, which will only be available to those who have the Windows 10 version of the game and it will give those gamers, a chance to see the world of Minecraft in an entirely new way. All the details you need for the beta, including system specs, can be found here.
Check out a few shots of the game, with RTX off on the left, or basically as the game is now and RTX on, on the right hand side. But the game is not just getting some fancy lighting, it is also adding more detail to everything. Right now, the game basically has two options for blocks, colour and opacity, but with the RTX release, it will add another four level of detail metallic, normal, emissive and roughness, which will help make objects look like they are meant to.
But there is even more on top of things, the game will also add in some new light sources, add new details to existing blocks and more, there is really a lot to see.