Monster Hunter Rise gets its first big update today

Overnight, as part of the latest Monster Hunter digital event, Capcom showed off what is coming today in the 2.0 update for Monster Hunter Rise, check out the trailer below.
The first free title update for the game, brings for the tempestuous arrival of the Elder Dragons Kushala Daora, Teostra, and the previously announced Chameleos, players will also be able to duke it out with Apex Diablos and Apex Rathalos.
As part of the update, previously released Apex monsters can be challenged outside of Rampage quests, Magnamalo will join the Rampage quest rotation, players will be able to forge layered armour, and the max hunter rank will be unlocked when certain conditions are met.
New event quests will also be released following the title update, and can be played offline at any time once downloaded. Fashion hunters will also be able to purchase new cosmetic DLC that includes new voice options, sticker sets, gestures, layered armour for your buddies and more!