Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak details its fifth major update

Capcom hosted another Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak digital event overnight, which revealed the content coming in title update 5. This includes two new monsters, new armour set and more.
The first new monster is Amatsu, an Elder Dragon that bends the weather to its will, and when confronted is capable of summoning storms and lightning strikes that are rumored to have wiped a city completely off the map.
As if a god of destruction was not enough for Kamura’s “The Fierce” to handle, Risen Shagaru Magala has managed to use its overwhelming power to dominate the Qurio, infecting it to achieve an even more fearsome form.
In order to take on this fearsome beast, you will need to have your rank be at least MR10.
Of course, should you successfully hunt the beast, then you can unlock new armour based on its design, as seen below.
In fact the update delivers a host of new armours and looks, including a set based on Amatsu for your Palamute and Palico. There is also the Bloodmalice Layered Armor, the Buff Body Layered Armor, and even Lagombi Ears, that last one is for those rabbit lovers.
The other monster that players can hunt is the Risen Shagaru Magala, who has managed to use its overwhelming power to dominate the Qurio, infecting it to achieve an even more fearsome form. Taking on this beast will require a hunting rank of MR180.
In addition to contending with these titans, hunters are also able to tackle two additional Risen Elder Dragons in Anomaly Research Quests, and face even more challenges with the new Anomaly Investigation level cap of 300. All of the afflicted materials from these hunts can be used at the Melding Pot with the new “Qurious Melding” feature that allows for even more skill customization. You’ll want a perfected loadout before attempting the new Special Investigations that unlock after completing an Anomaly Investigation at level 300. These Special Investigations feature monsters with a variety of power-ups including increased strength and more far-reaching attacks.
If you want to watch the entire presentation, you can do so below. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is out now for Switch and PC and will come to other consoles on April 28th. When it does arrive there, it will launch with all the content up to Title update 3, so this content won’t be there day one.