The final update for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak has been detailed

Capcom have hosted the final Digital Event for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, which wraps up 2 years of support for the game, which first released in March 2021. As part of the final update there is a new beasties to hunt, gear to obtain and more. The update will launch later today for Switch and PC.
The last new beast is the Primordial Malzeno, which has a connection to the kingdom. Starting at Master Rank level 10, Primordial Malzeno brings new ferocious attacks and moves for hunters to contend with and offers victorious hunters parts for a unique new armor set and weapons.
In addition there will also be new gear to craft from the beast, along with a number of changes to armor augmentations and decorations.
While the final update will release later today for Switch and PC, the update along with update 14 and update 15, will release on Xbox and PlayStation on August 24th.
Monster Hunter Rise is available on all platforms and the expansion Sunbreak is as well. Owners of the main game can purchase the Sunbreak expansion on its own, or if you have yet to buy into the game, you can get it as a bundle.
We reviewed the game when it first released on Switch, then again when the PC release happened and finally we also reviewed the Sunbreak DLC. Needless to say, the past 2 years have been amazing for Monster Hunter fans, the game is the second best selling Capcom title of all time and is only behind Monster Hunter World, having shipped some 12.7 million copies of the game, whereas the expansion has shipped another 5.4 million copies.