New Battlefield confirmed for consoles and PC... and mobile!?

After months of talking about rumours, it seems things can finally be put to rest as Oskar Gabrielson, the general manager of DICE has confirmed there will be a new Battlefield this year and the Battlefield Mobile in 2022.
The news comes via the statement posted to the games official site, you can read the entire statement below.
Hey BattlefieldTM community!
I know everyone is wanting more detail about what’s to come for Battlefield this year, and I promise we have A LOT to show you in the coming months. We’re putting some things together for when we reveal the next generation of Battlefield, and we can’t wait to show that to you all...but for now, we have a couple of things we wanted to tell you about.
First, we’re really excited to have the biggest Battlefield development team ever working on our console and PC game for this Holiday season, and second...we have something very exciting to talk about on mobile!
The Return of All-Out Warfare
2021 is an exciting time for us here at DICE. Working with more world-class development studios within Electronic Arts, we have our biggest team ever on a Battlefield game for console and PC. Our friends at Criterion and DICE LA are working with us on our shared vision for the game, while the team in Gothenburg is taking technology in the game to the next level. Together, we are creating a jaw-dropping experience for you to enjoy later in 2021.
We’re in daily playtesting mode right now: polishing, balancing, and making the best possible Battlefield game we can. I can tell you it is a bold step. It has everything we love about Battlefield – and takes all of it to the next level. Epic scale. All-out military warfare. Crazy, unexpected moments. Game-changing destruction. Massive battles, packed with more players and mayhem than ever before. All brought to life with the power of next-gen consoles and PCs.
Get ready for our reveal “soon™” 😉
A new Battlefield Mobile Game Coming in 2022
It’s always been our vision to bring Battlefield to more platforms. So, after years of prototyping, I’m super happy to be able to let you know that our friends at Industrial Toys, working closely with all of us here at DICE, are developing a completely new Battlefield game bringing all-out warfare to smartphones and tablets in 2022.
Make no mistake, this is a standalone game. A completely different game from the one we’re making for console and PC, designed specifically for the mobile platform. It’s being built from the ground up by iToys to make Battlefield-on-the-go a reality and you can expect a fully-fledged, skill-based experience. This mobile game is now entering a testing period ahead of launching next year, so expect more details to come.
I can’t wait to show you the two Battlefield games we have coming! In the meantime, stay safe, and play some Battlefield!
It is interesting to see such a diverse group of studios making things, while DICE LA have worked on the series before, it seems this time, they are taking more of a lead.
I guess only time will tell, but as it has been a few years since Battlefield V, I can’t wait.