No Beyond Good and Evil 2 Before April 2021

It is that time of year, when companies dish out how well they did over the past few months, where we get things like how many games and consoles have been sold, but also investors get to ask questions about the companies as well.
These usually take place on what are called ‘Earnings Calls’ or ‘Investor Briefings’ the name varies, but the content is generally the same and Ubisoft recently hosted their own. In it they reaffirmed to have 5 AAA titles out by the end of March 2021, which is the end of their fiscal year, with three of them expected between September and December 2020.
One statement though will have fans a little disappointed as was revealed that Beyond Good and Evil 2, will not released this fiscal year. What that means is the early date it could possibly release would be April 1st, 2021, though that is also unlikely.
Specifically, when an investor asked Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot if it would be one of the five AAA titles, Guillemot replied, “It’s not going to be in the five games we will announce.”
So there you go, does this additional wait make you more hyped for the game, or are you done with it already. Originally the game was announced back in 2008 and then went radio silent, before it popped up again at E3 2017 and then again at E3 2018, so it has been a game long in development.
Given the lengthy delays, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that the game has now moved development to the next generation of consoles, but until Ubisoft deem us worthy of more information, that is just hope.