Oblivion is upon us once again in The Elder Scrolls Legends

Bethesda have announced that Legends, the Elder Scrolls card game is getting a new expansion, themed to The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Jaws of Oblivion takes players to Mehrunes Dagon’s Daedric plane of Oblivion on October 8 for PC, iOS, and Android devices.
The expansion will offer up to players 75 new cards, all inspired by the game, as well as:
A fiery new playmat
Two new premade Theme Decks – Mankar’s Paradise and Martin Septim’s Ascendance
Four new card backs
New music and visual effects
New Invade mechanic that summons otherworldly Oblivion Gates, giving your Daedric creatures more power the more you Invade
Prepare for the Gates to open by preordering Jaws of Oblivion today for $75.95 AUD/$79.95 NZD. You will receive 50 Jaws of Oblivion card packs when the set releases, plus a premium card back and epic “The Herald” title to use as soon as you complete your purchase. You can learn more here, if you want to.
Will you close shut the Jaws of Oblivion or let chaos run rampant? Choose for yourself when the next expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Legends launches October 8.