PAX Australia 2020 has been cancelled, but PAX Online is booting up

Yesterday, it was announced that PAX Australia would not be going ahead, due to safety concerns, but that is not stopping the PAX love, as they have announced this morning PAX Online, an all new show that will run from September 12 to September 20 and a perfect way to get your PAX fix.
PAX Online will serve as a digital space encompassing everything fans love about PAX Aus and West’s annual bash including surprising game reveals, hands-on demos, thrilling esports tournaments, a carefully curated selection in the Indie Showcase, as well as new partnerships bringing the virtual show floor to life as ReedPOP and Penny Arcade translate their creative vision into an accessible new format.
You will likely have questions, a new show format would demand that you do, so the team have put together a FAQ on the official site, which hopefully answers them.
“First and foremost, PAX has always been about the incredible community created by everyone involved, from the attendees, panelists, exhibitors, and our amazing enforcers ” said Jerry Holkins, co-founder of PAX. “PAX Online will recreate that shared experience, along with everyone’s other favorite elements from game rxxcs eveals, exclusive hands-on experiences, the chance to hear from and speak with your favorite game developers, journalists as well as content creators, and so much more. Even if we can’t all meet in Seattle or Melbourne this year, we look forward to reconnecting with friends, and welcoming everyone to our new home, PAX Online.”
For those that like to get the swag at the show, or official merch as they sometimes call it, you can still do that, with most of the line up for both PAX West and PAX Australia, being available to buy online. The PAX Australia content, won’t be available until June 23rd though, so you have some time. To go shopping, click the image below.