Pokemon Sword and Shield is getting a special tie to the long running anime series

One of the most random things to come out of the Pokemon News event from overnight was that players can enter special codes, to redeem a Pikachu, that is wearing one of the hats that Ash has worn over the years.
During the broadcast, they provided the code P1KACHUGET, which grants you Pikachu wearing the first hat from the series, this one below.
Since then, they also released the second code, 1CH00SEY0U, which grans you the Partners hat Pikachu,
The other codes will be released randomly over the next few weeks, but there are some important details to note, you can only redeem a code once, so if you trade one of them away, you can’t get another one back. They also are not able to evolve, meaning they will always be Pikachu. The best news though is that you don’t need to play either expansions for them, they are able to be added to the base game.
Here are the other ones you can get, whenever the codes are released.