Post launch plans detailed for Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Ubisoft have announced the first year plans for Ghost Recon Breakpoint, showing what players can expect from the title, once they have completed the main story. The game will get a major content release every four months, which is set to deliver hours more content and updates.
Each Episode will receive hours of new content and support including a New Adventure, New End-game Content (Raid and Updates), Faction Missions as well as PvP Updates and regular new content, detailed below:
New Adventures: New story-driven content that expands the main story of the game will be available with each episode.
New End-Game Content: Every Episode will bring new End-Game content. Episode 1 brings the Project Titan Raid. Players will explore an active volcano on a new island in the Auroa archipelago where they need to use all the skills learned on Auroa in intense four-play co-op challenges. The Raid is replayable and adaptable for all play styles.
New Faction Missions: Factions in the game will evolve over time and every month, new narrative Story Faction Missions will be released, bringing context as well as character development. New Faction Missions will be available daily and will provide objectives to support the factions and their narrative arcs.
New Classes: Three new classes will be introduced in Year 1, starting with the Engineer which brings an expertise in hacking.
Live Events: These events will feature VIPs that will help Nomad tackle new, terrible threats. A new Event will be available with each Year 1 Episode and lasts one month.
PvP Updates: In addition to the three new classes coming Year 1, which will be fully playable in PvP, new maps and updates will keep Ghost War players on their toes.
Regular New Content: New content such as new missions, activities and unlockables will be available with each new episode.