Rise of the Blood God has arrived in WoW Classic

Blizzard have announced that deep within the jungles of Stranglethorn, distant drums beat in an ancient ritual and an ancient troll city full of untold peril awaits. As Rise of the Blood God has arrived in World of Warcraft Classic
Do you have what it takes to delve into its mysteries? Assemble a band of hardy explorers and make your way to Zul’Gurub a max-level, 20-player raid instance with 120 new rare and epic items to procure from its verdant tree-lined avenues and lost temples.
The entrance to Zul’Gurub is located just east of Lake Nazferiti in Stranglethorn Vale. Horde players can fly into Grom’gol Base Camp and travel east past the lake to reach the dungeon. Alliance players will need to travel south from Duskwood and then head east at the lake.
All the details you need, including raid info, can be found on the blog post for the release, check it out here.