Roll up! The Division 2 is getting more content this month

Ubisoft have announced that the next chapter of The Division 2, where players will venture to Coney Island, in the hopes of rescuing the scientist, who might have a cure for the virus that is plaguing the world. The chapter will be free for all, but those with the Season pass will gain access a week earlier.
This third episode will give players two new missions on the island, Coney Island Ballpark and Coney Island Amusement Park, but more than that, more gear will be available as well, if you are a Season Pass owner.
Those who are will get the access to a new specialisation, Firewall, which is all about fighting fire, with fire, as you have a flamethrower. Here are all the details you need, in order to see what you get:
New Signature Weapon: Flamethrower
New Skill mod: Striker Shield, which buffs the Firewall Agent and their allies with a damage increase. The strength of the buff increases with the number of enemies in front of the player. The Agent receives the buff as soon as they equip the shield, and allies have to be in range behind the Agent to get its benefit.
New Specialization Sidearm: Firestarter Double Barrel Sawn-Off. Its unique Talent, Primer Rounds, inflicts 50% reduced burn resistance for five seconds on any enemies it hits.
New Grenade: Cluster Grenade. When detonating, it sends out shrapnel in a radius around its trigger point.
New Armor Kit: Extracellular Matrix – recover 200% armor and 200% health over 10 seconds. The intention with this kit is to allow players to recover health and armor while maintaining an aggressive playstyle.
Special Ammunition Acquisition – killing enemies within 10 meters of the Agent increases the Spec ammo bar faster than other kills.
Tac Link – allies deal +10% damage to enemies that are within 10 meters of you.