Saints Row The Third is coming back again for more consoles

In a move that is honestly that surprising at this point, Deep Silver have announced that Saints Row The Third will be coming to Xbox One, PC and PlayStation, remastered for the new platforms, check out the announcement trailer below.
Every weapon has been remodelled, every car has been redesigned and a vast proportion of the city has been retextured; Saints Row The Third has received a full makeover. With around 4,000 assets reworked, the complete update has been expertly handled by Sperasoft. It has transformed environments, character models and visual effects, enhanced graphics and incorporated a new lighting engine.
In addition, all three expansion mission packs and more than 30 pieces of DLC from the original version have been remastered and are included in the package for hours of additional gleeful gameplay. The remastered edition will inspire new gamers and original fans to revisit the reworked city of Steelport and revel in the glorious world of the Saints.
The game is hitting PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on May 22