Savior of Sapphire Wings is coming to Switch and PC in 2021

NIS America have announced that Saviors of Sapphire Wings will be making its way to the west in 2021 for both Switch and PC, along with the bonus game Stranger of Sword City Revisited,
Discover a tale of war, darkness, and the power of bonds, coming to the West for the first time! In Saviors of Sapphire Wings, the world is plunged into ruin after the Overlord of Darkness defeats the Knights of the Round. A fallen hero returns to a new life a century later and leads a new bastion of heroes to restore light and hope to the world.
There are not many details known for the western release yet, but NIS America have announced a special edition for Switch, no word on it releasing here in Australia directly, if you have to order from them.