Sennheiser GSP 670 Wireless - Review

Finding out the Sennheiser have never made a wireless gaming headset before honestly boggled my mind, they have been crafting some of the best audio equipment for over half a century and now with the release of the GSP 670 I feel like they finally catching up.
Taking the headphones out of the box for the first time you can see that there's a lot of attention paid to the look and in past heads up that I've used that doesn't always translate into comfortable. the versatility of this design prove otherwise is not only are the ear cups comfortable, the headband makes sure that you can always tweak how it sits to best suit you. The adjustable headband is perhaps one of the most defining features of the overall design because no head is perfectly round and having headbands are not adjustable means that you're always going to have one or multiple spaces where it doesn't sit being able to use the sliders to adjust the distribution of weight and pressure means you're gonna get the best experience you can wearing the headphones. because no matter what the sound quality is like if you can't wear the product you can use it. Once it is on though, the controls become a little harder to get used to, as they are so out of the way, that it can be hard to gauge where they are, especially in the middle of a game.
The headphones are in fact quite basic with the function when it’s in use, when on, the left side has the switch to allow pairing, along with the boom mic and the right side, has the volume wheel, which also turns them on. The issue with that wheel is that there is no tactile feedback of it, so going from full volume to nothing, is simply a matter of turning the wheel and not having any feeling as to where you are. I tested this out in multiple scenarios from games to music and in each case, there is no clear indicator about the level of volume, unless there is an on-screen prompt. Also located on the right side of the headphones are both controls for a wheel for chat volume, as well as a button to swap between audio profiles that you can set up on a PC. Again, while the chat volume wheel has no physical clicks, there are some well defined ridges on the outside of it, which help. The button to swap between modes is flush with the overall case, but there is a nice click result when you press it in. When it comes to the left side, we are talking about the microphone and that has no real ambiguity, as the state is either on or off and when you lower it, there is a point that it clicks, indicating that it has been turned on and the reverse happens when you raise it back up.
As the cups are shaped to sit upon the edges of the ears, they are shaped just a little narrower than most of the common cups, which actually helps with longer sessions of using them. Combine that, with the adjustable headband and I never really felt the headphones were on my head, after an hour or so, I did start to notice them, but they still never felt uncomfortable to wear, something others do achieve quite quickly. The other element to them is that they are Bluetooth, which means you need to use the included dongle for PlayStation 4 and PC, or an inbuilt connection, like on a mobile phone. Pairing the device with a mobile is simple, just hold the slider on the left cup for a few seconds and the headphones will tell you they are ready for pairing, then on the device, just find them and you are done. On PC, if you go without the software, they are just another Bluetooth device, which is nice and easy as well, the software does not complicate the setup, just the amount of options that you can use once they are enabled. However, far and away the easiest to set up was the PlayStation 4, all I had to do was plug the dongle into a USB port, and then a moment later I was connected, there was little else to worry about. One little thing of note though, is that I was connected to both my mobile phone and the PlayStation 4 at the same time, but the connection to the console overrode the phone, so while it appears you can use both at once, you can’t.
Now all that is well and good, but the quality of the sound is important too and thankfully the GSP 670 achieved some really incredible results, from music to games, it did superb. Pairing it with my phone and listening to random music on Spotify was great, some of the songs like AC/DC came through really clear, whereas older rock like the Beatles was just as amazing. Songs there are quieter in nature, like some from Michael Bublé seemed quieter than the rest, but that could just be the songs themselves, as without the headphones they were still a little quiet. YouTube on the phone or via the PC was as clear as they were without the headphones, which is nice, but it was movies via the PC that stood out in terms of non-gaming content, they were loud and able to achieve a great surround sound effect, thanks to the software that they suggest you install.
Of course as they are marketed as gaming headphones, they had to be tested in games, on PC, I threw things like Minecraft and DOOM at them and they sound great, but I was curious about some PlayStation 4 titles, that were not elsewhere and the first one I used for testing was Spider-Man. There was always something about swinging around the world as Spider-Man and with the GSP 670’s on, for the first time, I felt like I got the full experience, as not only were the visuals amazing, but the sound matched. The wind rushing passed my head as I jumped from the top of a building, only to be replaced by the epic score as the ground fast approached, was amazing, I climbed up as high as I could, many times, just to hear that mix work. But it was not just Spider-Man, God of War sounded far more visceral with the sounds of Kratos’ axe slicing through enemies and the finishing moves had quite the level of brutality to them, thanks to the quality of the drivers. I did play some slower games, like Dragon Quest Builders 2 and Knack 2 and both were able to deliver clear sound at all times and even a title like Gran Turismo Sport delivered some pretty amazing sounds.
The Sennheiser GSP 670 Wireless Gaming headphones are phenomenal, they not only manage to remain comfortable, even if extended gaming sessions, but they contain a battery that will far outlast the average gaming session. The controls on the headphones are a little messy, without real tactile feeling on them, it can be difficult to judge the level of volume you want, I also had some issues with running them on a PC, without the included dongle, but they resolved once I used it, it was just a pain having to move that between PC and PlayStation 4.
If you can justify the price, then you will not go wrong here, the level of quality in the audio is astounding, but even above that, the battery life is amazing, this is one set of headphones I wanted to keep.
Review unit provided by Sennheiser Australia