Skyrim returns to consoles as The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor releases

Having been released for PC and Mac already, it is now the turn of console gamers as The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor has come to Xbox One and PlayStation 4, sending players back to Skyrim.
As the second update in the year-long interconnected adventure, Dark Heart of Skyrim, the Greymoor Chapter brings a massive new Antiquities system that digs into Elder Scrolls lore and offers rewards for all types of players, Harrowstorm world events, performance updates, and much more. With around 30 hours of new story content to experience, The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor brings entirely new experiences to ESO, presenting veterans and those new to the game with astounding new stories and content.
We played through it on PC and gave it a good review, click here if you want to give that a read.