Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is out now

CI Games have announced that Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is out now for Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4 and will drop players into multiple locations, each filled with objectives that will test you like nothing else.
The game comprises 25 unique and challenging contracts across five considerably-sized maps; each one there to be explored extensively. Players are challenged to eliminate targets using new precision sniping mechanics while choosing from an arsenal of new weapons and gadgets.
Gamers will need to carefully plan out and execute the perfect kill and exfiltration from a given encounter: no two missions are the same.
From its in-depth single-player campaign, to its return-to-form, intense mission-based contracts system, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts seeks to perfect the feeling of staring down a scope and planning your approach. Get ready to tackle the Siberian wilderness and all the unique environmental obstacles it brings with it, because Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is taking aim.