So No! More gives you the power in 2020

There have been times in your life where saying no felt like the right option, but if you said it, things would go badly, well Thunderful and Studio Fizbin have come up with a way to get around that, Say No! More, which is coming to Switch and mobile in the middle of 2020, check out the debut trailer.
Say No! More is a one-button game that is all about saying "No!". In a world where the word "No!" has been virtually banished, you start an internship at a company run by arrogant people. Everyone is convinced that the value of a person is defined only by their professional experience. After being bullied by colleagues and supervisors and used as a “yes”-puppet, you'll find an old self-help tape titled Say No! More.
"Marius and I are scared of saying No!, so we are building our ultimate power fantasy: A game where you can say No! as often and loud as you like. Anything else to say, Marius?"
Nick Maierhöfer, Game Lead
Marius Winter, Game Lead
The game is coming to Switch, iOS and Android