Spider-Man: Miles Morales PC - Review

It’s no secret that PlayStation have been porting over to PC some of their exclusive games that were previously made for consoles. What started out as a very slow process, has picked up with the most recent being, Spider-man: Miles Morales. However, the question lies as to whether it was an easy and seamless port, or was it littered with issues. Keep reading to find out more.
First off, if you’ve played Miles Morales’ predecessor, Spider-man that was previously ported to PC, then you’d get a rough idea as to what to expect. The game itself is absolutely fantastic and really does make you F E E L like you’re Spider-man, especially when web swinging through New York City. And though this game does feel a little on the short side in comparison, it is still just as fun as the first time playing as Peter Parker. If you want to know more about the story, check out our review from the PlayStation 5 release.
Visually, Miles Morales on Steam has been great. There were minor glitches through playing it, and within the first week upon release, Steam did release minor patches and updates to get rid of bugs, but the issues I experienced were once off problems only, but more about that later. Going back to the graphics, it was truly fantastic. One moment that impressed and stuck with me was when I was walking past a mirror in one of the tasks of finding a cache. Normally you wouldn’t expect to see a reflection of your character, or at least a blurred out shape. However, this particular moment, I saw Miles’ reflection, in which had to do a double take and walked back to the mirror to test it out. The movement on reflections were seamless and smooth, which lead me to jump up and down and move around to just test the fact that they took that detail into Steam/PC as well.
Throughout the game, the visuals were on point… however, every so often, it did feel as though there were moments where the game was trying to render itself out while web swinging. And though this didn’t last very long and was only a few seconds, it was just enough to take note of the edges of Miles or buildings being a little pixelated for a moment. Speaking of slight glitches, there were moments where during gameplay, the sound would completely shut off, or controls just stopped working in mid swing or in the middle of fighting enemies. And though these were specifically once off experiences which never reoccurred, it was enough to be remembered.
One memorable issue was while fast traveling. Instead of Miles walking out of the train station and onto the street for you to continue playing, he just stood there while everyone else kept walking around him. Again, this seemed to be a control issue, and only occurred once, which isn’t enough to write off the enjoyment of the game.
The port to PC is as smooth as it can be, minus a couple of very minor but notable issues. However, the positives of how fun the game was, storyline, game play and impressive visuals far outweigh the issues and glitches. If you were a fan of the the previous Spider-man game, you’ll definitely have a lot of enjoyment with Miles Morales, and if anything, will just make you more excited for the sequel of this series. Having subtle differences like the way Miles moves or even his more erratic web swinging is enough for players to noticed a difference, but still get the same enjoyment in F E E L I N G like Spider-man, which is something most players would want.
The Score
Review code provided by PlayStation
The Pros
+A lot of fun playing as Miles Morales
+The enjoyment of the game and port far outweighs the issues/glitches
The Cons
-The game is a little short
-Notable glitches, even though it was minor and one off