Squad support is coming to Ghost Recon Breakpoint with a new update

For some reason, rather than include this in Ubisoft Forward, they revealed it in the pre-show, but it is finally happening, Ubisoft have announced that Ghost Recon Breakpoint is finally getting the AI team-mates, that were promised at E3 2019.
Check out the trailer below, to see how they can be used in battles and more, with them being available on July 15.
The games director, Elie Benhamou, has a few words on the addition of the AI Teammates:
We are very happy to release AI Teammates, and we know that expectations are high!
We did our best to include them into the game and world of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, focusing our efforts on enhancing the combat experience, as well as bringing a whole new layer of customization for your role-play activities!
The full breakdown of what is coming, can be found on the games site, which you can locate here.