Star Wars Episode 1 Racer is coming back for another lap

Announced during the recent Nintendo Direct Mini, right after the confirmation that Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy was out now for Switch and also PlayStation 4, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer was also getting a remaster.
Though few details were given then, had more to share after the Direct Mini, including confirmation of who was bringing the title to the new platforms. Aspyr Media, the folks who did the other Star Wars games, would be doing the work on this one.
A beloved racing title based on the podracing sequence from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode I Racer puts you behind the controls of your favorite podracers as you speed through flaming methane lakes, Tusken Raider assaults, anti-gravity tunnels, and much more in a pulse-pounding, do-or-die fight to the finish line.
25 playable racers including: Anakin Skywalker, Sebulba, and Ratts Tyerell
Race tracks spanning 8 unique worlds including: Tatooine, Baroonda, and Malastare
Work with pit droids to upgrade your podracer for higher top speeds and acceleration
Discover short-cuts and secrets to master your lap times
Split-screen multiplayer (Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4) and LAN multiplayer (Nintendo Switch)