Star Wars Squadrons details ship and pilot upgrades

Electronic Arts and Motive Studios have released an update on Star Wars Squadrons, specifically about customisation, both for the ships and pilots. They divided things up into components for ships, which will impact gameplay and then cosmetics, which have no impacts to the game, they just look cool.
Lead Gameplay Designer James Clement, had to say about the depth of the component system.
“Between power management, overcharging, shield balancing or emergency power conversion, boosting, drifting, throttle management, primary weapons, auxiliary abilities, and countermeasures, the combat piloting experience has significant depth. You can learn the ropes quickly, yet you can look forward to discovering new techniques and tactics for months to come. On top of that, there’s a wealth of customizable components to choose from. There’s a healthy selection to start with and more to unlock through gameplay as you progress.”
If you want to read all of it, click here, but be warned it is a long post. The game is coming out on October 2nd for Xbox One, as well as PlayStation 4 and PC, with both those two platforms offering full VR support for the entire game, if you want to play it that way.