Take pole position with the MOZA Racing R3 Bundle for Xbox and PC

MOZA Racing have announced that the very first Xbox Series X|S racing kits with the R3 Bundle,. Created in collaboration with the folks at Xbox, the bundle will deliver an authentic racing experience as it comes packed with the wheel, pedals and a base to mount it too.
While the wheel is compatible with Xbox Series X|S, the wheel will also be compatible with Xbox One consoles and PC, meaning you can take cars out for a spin on another platform.
That is all well and good, but what exactly does the R3 Bundle contain? It includes the R3 DD Wheelbase, the ES Wheel and the SR-P Lite Pedals. The bundle is not cheap, as it has been priced at $799.95 here in Australia, with the release expected in the final months of the year, an exact date is not yet known.
Here is what MOZA have said about each part of the bundle.
The MOZA R3 DD Wheelbase - The 3.9Nm Direct Drive Wheelbase breathes vitality into the realm of virtual racing, offering the optimal in detailed force feedback ensuring outstanding and consistent performance. Robust and compact this wheelbase grants sim racers an incredible immersion whilst empowering them with high-precision hardware built with top quality materials.
The MOZA ES Wheel - Crafted with durable ISF grips and an aluminium alloy framework, it's a testament to durability and beauty. An RGB sequential shifter light indicator adds dynamism, while 22 programmable buttons keep you in complete control.
The MOZA SR-P Lite Pedals - Completing the R3 Bundle are the MOZA SRP Lite Pedals – a masterpiece of engineering precision. Constructed from high-strength steel and equipped with an ultra-sensitive angle sensor, these pedals respond to every input of your footwork. Tailor your setup for comfort and synergy then connect directly to your PC or Xbox for a seamless racing experience.
With all the racing games around, there is a lot of compatibility to think about, as not every game supports a wheel. Thankfully the folks at MOZA have complied a list of the games that are currently compatible, but the list may grow over time.
Now so far the bundle is all about the flappy paddles on the wheel, but what if you prefer a stick to change gears, well the team have you covered. As part of their Gamescom they are revealing a sequential shifter, but that’s not all, there is also a GT Wheel and a 400mm truck wheel, the last one for those drivers who keep on truckin.
These are just revealed for now, more details including the tech specs will come in 2024.