The Diablo IV Xbox console bundle has been announced and is a thing

Videogames made by companies that are not console makers, often align themselves to one specific console for marketing reasons. Cyberpunk 2077 aligned with Xbox and released a pretty amazing looking console and controller, and then Star Wars Battlefield partnered up with PlayStation for a series of special consoles. What is usually the trend when a game aligns with a console maker is that we are often presented with a special edition console, not always, but usually. This is not one of those times.
Xbox have announced the Xbox Series X – Diablo IV Bundle, which is a standard Xbox Series X console and a copy of the game, that is it, well there is some horse armour for the game, but that is it.
There is nothing special about any of the hardware, no embossed Diablo logo on it, no text indicating the history of Lilith, just the same basic box you can go into a shop and buy today. In fact check out the below image, these are the three options via EB Games, other retailers have them as well, and apart from the Forza Horizon 5 bundle, the only option is the basic console.
Xbox used to offer some amazing special edition consoles, perhaps too many at times, but they were there and this is not even enough to be mentioned on a list of them. If you don’t have a Xbox Series X and want it and the game, you can wait until June and pick the bundle up, or you can get the console today and the game in June and likely save a few dollars on the game price.
You can get more details on the in-game offerings for a few of the Diablo games here and orders can be placed at most retailers today.