The Elder Scrolls Blades is out now for Switch

Being announced at E3 2019, The Elder Scrolls Blades coming to Switch was big news, but apart from a delay announcement, we haven’t heard much about it, until now as the game is out now.
Those new to the series will be able to jump in and sample the game for free, if you want, you can also purchase a quick start pack, that will give you some goodies to play with. It is important to note, that you don’t have to pay for anything to enjoy the game in full, but you can if you want to unlock things a little faster.
Of course, one of the big things is that those who play on mobile will be able to transfer their saves to the Switch version and game on their TV now, but you can also send your progress back and forth, ensuring that you can enjoy the game on whichever device you choose.
If you want to get the game for Switch, you can do that here, else you can get it on mobile devices via their app stores.