The Elder Scrolls Online has brought improvements to players with its latest update

It is uncommon for a game to release new content and not include a fix or two, but what is even rarer is for an update to be almost entirely fix related. New single fixes happen all the time, but a big update that is nothing but, that is another story.
But that is what has happened with The Elder Scrolls Online, at least for PC and Mac - console players need to wait a little longer. Game Update 39 doesn’t sound all that exciting in the grand scheme of things, but the update makes some big changes and improvements to the base game. Here is an overview of what is included:
Quest & Content Improvements for New Players
New Cyrodiil Monster Masks
New PvP Face & Body Markings
PvP Death Notifications
Item Set Sourcing Standardisation
Stacking of Similar Inventory Items
Unifying Unsellable Items
New Furnishings & Master Writ Vendor Offerings
Place Furnishings from Inventory
Occlusion Culling
New Achievements
New Endeavor Activity-Types
Loads of bug fixes!
The full patch notes are here and worth reading if you want to know everything about the update, because as I said, there is a lot. But let us talk about a few things, first up quests and content for new players.
Even myself, who has put a significant amount of time into the game, can be a bit confusing when starting a new character, which is why the team have reduced the volume and frequency of quests for new characters. As you level up more and more quests will come your way, but should you be a slower player or just someone seeking to explore the world first, you won’t end up with a quest log bulging with things to do.
Tamriel’s navigator NPCs that can transport your characters between destinations have also received some improvements with this update. Now, these navigators indicate whether they can transport you to a location for one of your tracked quests (active or inactive.) When exploring, you now see the “door” pin above relevant navigator NPCs, indicating that they can help you in your journey.
Something that makes me quite happy is that the game has finally made some improvements to the inventory system, the big one being that you can stack almost every item in the game. You will also be given a clearer tip on what items can be sold and what items are yours for eternity.
The home editor has also seen a big update, letting you place items down right from your inventory, letting you just get right to the decorating. Something that will make those who buy furniture from the games Crown Store very happy is that you can now see it in your place, before you buy it, to help make sure it doesn’t mess up your style.
Finally, there have also been additions to the games PvP reward system, meaning that you can enjoy new items. Yes there are now three new monster mask sets: Jerall Mountains Warchief, Nibenay Bay Battlereeve, and Colovian Highlands General. Each grants unique and powerful boons, and you can trade Alliance Points for these new masks with Cyrodiil Elite Gear Vendors within the Eastern Elsweyr Gate, Southern High Rock Gate, and Northern Morrowind Gate.
The update is out now for PC and Mac, but will arrive on September 5th for consoles, sticking to the series established schedule.