The Falconeer soars onto more than just PC in 2020

Wired Productions has announced that when The Falconeer releases in 2020 for PC, it will also be joined by an all new platform, Xbox One, with the game being made available to play at XO19 in London.
“We’re excited for fans to experience The Falconeer, a true gem that will set the bar for what indie developers can offer games,” said Leo Zullo. “From the beginning, we’ve been enamoured with this breath-taking aerial combat RPG, and are proud to be able to work collaboratively with Tomas, whose passion and talents can be seen in this beautiful and mesmerizing game.”
Set above The Great Ursee, a mystical world drowning in the corruption of the swollen oceans, players will take their armed aerial mounts in third person to the skies as a “Falconeer,” an airborne and agile warrior equipped with devastating ranged weaponry. Your mission as a Falconeer will be what you make it – be it the noble cause or the life of a rogue - each player experience will be unique as they explore the bleak and hauntingly beautiful world, filled with wonderous locations and warmongering rival factions vying for the mysterious secrets hidden at the Ursee's unfathomable depths.