Uplay+ gets a new rewards program here, at least in beta form

Ubisoft has today announced that UPlay+ their PC based subscription service, has today launched a new beta program for eligible members, where the longer you are subscribed, the more rewards you can earn. Currently the service is only available in a few countries, with Australia and New Zealand listed among them.
Basically how it works is that the longer you are subscribed, the more monthly in game rewards you can earn and those rewards can be anything from in-game items, boosts, skins and more, with the options varying by game.
In order to join the program, you need to have at least one full month of your subscription complete, that will get you onto the Bronze level, the good news is that if you have been subbed since it launched last year, all those months will count, so you are not starting from nothing. As you can see from the infographic below, the more you stay subscribed, the more you get.
If you are in the program now and have any problems, this is where you need to go for help.