WandaVision Episode 7 - Review

Episode 6 of WandaVision was a let down for me, it barely told anything new, the story just raised a lot of questions and then it ended, but Episode 7, well it didn’t answer those questions, but it started to place things for the endgame and that big twist was pretty special. As always, spoilers ahead.
*Spoilers Ahead*
This week’s theme was clearly Modern Family inspired, from the talking to the camera, to the looking right at it, when trying to convey a sense of how something is stupid and it worked. Wanda has woken up and realised that what she has done, may not have been the best, her actions, while lead by good intentions, might have caused some problems she wasn’t ready for and as such she is quarantining herself, as punishment for that. Vision on the other hand wakes up in the same field he was in, when he spots the circus that S.W.O.R.D. became and spies Darcy, who was whammied at the end of the last episode. Not one to beat around the bush, he undoes that and starts to get honest answers, from someone who is willing to explain, basically he is being caught up to what we know.
While that is happening, Wanda embraces her me day, I mean, quarantine time, with Agnes showing up to remove the twins from the equation, to allow her time to relax. This starts the sub-plot, well the third, about how Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness, which ends the episode with a theme and montage for her character. While they have been building up to the reveal since the first episode, there were countless indicators that something was off with that character, especially given the freedom she had, compared to others around town. Before that is revealed though, Monica manages to make it back into the Hex, causing her cells to be modified again, giving her powers, *cough* hello Proton *cough*, which is shown by her glowing eyes and the ability to see waves of energy.
Everything comes to a head when Wanda and Monica reunite, but given how they last interacted, it was not a simple meet up, while Monica does appear to be reaching through to Wanda, Agnes appears, prior to her reveal as Agatha and removes Wanda from the scene. Though removed, Wanda is thinking about the talk she had with Monica and when she realises that her Twins are not around Agnes house, she goes looking and that is when the reveal happens, and that pretty catchy tune.
The problem that the show has now is that it has too many characters and plots going on, there is the Wanda centric stuff, the Vision stuff, now Darcy and Monica back inside the Hex. Toss in Jimmy, S.W.O.R.D. and of course Agnes/Agatha, there are a lot of people to keep track of and that does not bring into the pot, all the people of Westview and while a lot of the characters are interacting with each other, they also have their own little plots. We got the confirmation that Director Hayward was lying, which come on it was obvious, but more than that, we don’t have a reason as to why he thought he had too, so look for that to wrap up. What I am hoping for is that things start to make more sense in the final episodes, not because things are to complex, no it is just due to the quantity of subplots and they need to nail it pretty well.
The most interesting fact about the episode, was that the ratios kept changing, occasionally the black bars would fade in, or out, depending on the context of the scene. While it wasn’t something that needed to be done, it is pretty easy to spot the moments in the hex and those outside of it, the subtly of when those changes occurred, help to sell the impact of the differences. On top of that, the Modern Family style setting, talking to the camera and looking down it, helped make them feel a little more real, removing that scripted feeling and letting the characters look like they were projecting anger and frustration, even if Agatha was playing naughty at times.
There is a lot going on in this episode, it doesn’t answer all the questions from the last one, like how does Monica know some Army folk, who can just show up with a space rover, but it does clear out some chaff, to make way for the end. There are only a few episodes left to go and so far, WandaVision has been a real trip, a few minor trims to this episode, could have easily brought things into focus more, but we are in the Endgame now and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
The Score
The Pros
+Lots of traction is kept throughout the episode, unlike the previous episode
+We finally get the reveal that Agnes is actually Agatha
The Cons
-Getting confirmation that the guy in charge of S.W.O.R.D. was shady was pointless
-Monica needs to explain just how she got a military space vehicle, with only a text message