World of Warships is expanding, adding its first local commander and ship

We don’t often talk about World of Warships here, its just one of those games that exists and has its dedicated players, but this news is far more local. A new special event is taking place now and features Commonwealth naval commander, Matilda Kelly and Brisbane, Commonwealth light cruiser, representing the royal Australian Navy.
The event is running now until April 19th, so there is plenty of time to take part and will have players follow the path of an Australian bushranger who is trying to reach the mythical continent of Mu by means of a legendary ship – Brisbane.
The story begins in 19th century Australia. Infamous privateer-turned-pirate, Matilda Kelly, has been apprehended following an ambitious yet unsuccessful raid on a Royal Navy man ‘o war and sentenced to life in an Australian penal colony. Join Matilda as she braves her way through the continent in search of a legendary ship which is said to help escaped convicts to reach safe haven. Destination—the mythical continent of Mu.
As for the ship itself, the Brisbane was a light cruiser project developed after the end of World War II, with more powerful and advanced air defence, and is armed with ten dual-purpose 152-mm main battery guns with a good rate of fire.
The ship is similar to the cruiser Minotaur, but with significant gameplay differences. Brisbane is equipped with HE shells, class-standard AP shells, and enhanced torpedo armament. The ship's torpedoes are distinguished by a large number in a salvo and a good range.
The ship will only be available during the event, but it will return at an unknown future date, to be obtained. You can learn more about the game and this event, on the official website.