World of Warships Legends adds a new nation into the battle

If the giant words on the image above didn’t give it away, the Russians are coming to World of Warships Legends, more specifically they will arrive on March 10, which is next week.
The seven new Russian and Soviet cruisers rely on powerful, flat-shooting guns to punish enemy vessels from a safe distance. Keeping this range is important for any daring Russian navy captain, as these ships can be quite vulnerable in mid-ranged engagements. However, at higher tiers these cruisers have the tools for intrepid players to stay safe - fast, short-ranged torpedoes and Radar at higher tiers. This gives them the ability to foil the plans of stealthy destroyers trying to counter them. Players will find that these Soviet cruisers offer immense potential for racking up damage, as long as they avoid taking too much of a beating.
The new campaign, "War and Peace," fits in nicely with the Red Fleet’s cruisers. At the end of this 95-level campaign lies the Mikhail Kutuzov, a highly capable Russian cruiser that saw service throughout the Cold War. In World of Warships: Legends, this Cold War challenger pairs the outstanding performance of Russian cruiser guns with Smoke Generator and Sonar consumables. This means that the Mikhail Kutuzov can stealthily bombard enemies at ease by creating temporary concealment. On the way through “War and Peace,” players will earn a pile of consumables, equipment, and more. There are even a few chances to get one of the early access Russian destroyers throughout!