Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair gets a demo

Playtonic Games and Team17 have announced that Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair has now got a demo, meaning that if you were turned away by the name before, you can now see just how Impossible it is.
Demo might actually be the wrong thing to call this, as it will let you play the first 5 levels of the game, complete a challenge, enjoy some tonics and even take a stab at the Impossible Lair itself. The best news though, is that if you like what you sample and purchase the full game, all of your progress caries across, meaning you won’t have to start again.
We reviewed the game last year and quite enjoyed it, and with the demo being on all platforms, though PC players can only get it through Steam, there is no reason not to try.