Zinogre returns in Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Capcom have announced that the classic monster Zinogre is making a return in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, which is set to blast onto PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on September 6, PC players will have to wait until 2020.
Zinogre is the latest monster added to the massive expansion’s roster, ready to challenge hunters with its electrifying attacks. Players will need to bring their Master Rank skills and use extreme caution when Zinogre activates its supercharged state in order to successfully take down this thunderous beast. The trailer also offers the first detailed look at Namielle, an all-new Elder Dragon who has the power to summon water at will and unleash high pressure attacks onto unsuspecting hunters. Players should proceed with caution and not underestimate the bright, multi-colored appearance of this second new Elder Dragon that’s been discovered in Iceborne. Hunters have a collection of new monsters and subspecies to look forward to when the massive expansion releases – and there are still more to be revealed!