Zombie Army 4 gets new DLC today and outlines the future

The first DLC mission for Zombie Army 4: Dead War has risen today and is just the start. The first mission, Terror Lab is just part one of the new three part campaign Hell Cult and is included in the Season Pass, check out the trailer for it below.
You and your fellow deadhunters must infiltrate a strange laboratory, tear your way through zombified researchers, and solve the mystery of why the dead continue to rise...
Also available starting today are the American Sea Captain Character, PPSH Submachine Gun Bundle, M1 Semi-auto Carbine Bundle, Molten Lava Weapon Skins and the Classic Boris Outfit.
Those who don’t own the season pass will be happy to know that there is also a free update out today as well, giving all players access to the Undead Wood Horde Mission.
Finally, Rebellion also released a proper look at the roadmap for the season pass, which you can find below, there is a lot to come over the next few months.