8BitDo Nintendo 64 Controller Mod Kit - Review

Over the years I have been lucky enough to enjoy quite a number of the 8BitDo gaming controllers, their Ultimate Gaming Controller is a highlight. Their latest product is special, not only because it also uses the same Hall effect sensor, but it converts a wired Nintendo 64 controller to wireless and its interesting to say the least.
Okay, so there needs to be some explanation here about what this mod actually is. The kit contains three main items and a few little bits, the replacement control stick, the new PCB with in-built rechargeable battery and the ‘rumble’ pack which is where the wireless control functions exist. Now the stick is perhaps the main star of the show here, it replaces the old school style with the new hall effect sensor, meaning it drops the physical connection for a magnetic system. The stick itself is actually modelled after a GameCube stick, so installing it won’t keep the visual similarity to the one you are removing, but that is same for most other replacement sticks.
So while the visual indication will be different, how does it fair when in use? Honestly during my time using it across a number of games on both my Switch and PC, I had no issues with it. I have seen some folks online talk about how its not quite perfect, but I never noticed any issues and while I am not tracking microns of movement, when I wanted to go left, it went left. As I said the stick is a GameCube style, so the stick is slightly larger so it does mean that holding onto it might take some adjusting, especially if you are someone coming off a long use of Nintendo 64 controller. But combining the larger size with the smooth motion inside, it felt like such a treat that going back to the official controller felt a little less.
Something that will take some getting used to though is the weight balance, as its slightly more awkward than the current Switch version that Nintendo sell. The awkwardness comes from the larger rumble pack, as they have included the extra buttons that Switch controllers have in it. It is crucial to know that the weight doesn’t impact the actual use, when holding the controller, it does balance out. All in all, as the kit uses existing Nintendo 64 controller hardware, if you enjoyed that old shape, then this will be fine.
Of course, there is one aspect that we need to talk about and that is the modding experience. As a kit, it comes with everything you need, you just have to supply the controller. The kit doesn’t contain any replacement buttons, so if your c-buttons are busted, this won’t help you. Once you get the controller open and remove everything, you just need to install the replacement PCB, but this is where I ran into some issues. The stick is not a concern, if you have replaced any other sticks over the years, this is just like that, the issue lies with the cables that connect the Z trigger and shoulder buttons. Inside the original controller, the cables are just that cables, they are soft and easy to maneuver. The cables are more like bread ties, you know those metal ones that you get from a proper bakery, but these have much less flexibility. There is so little give in 8BitDo cables, that it took me over 10 minutes to get one into place. With the requirement that it also be connected to the rubber pad so the button can function, trying to get the cable into position and maintain that connection, its just frustrating.
While the installation issues are annoying, the end result is a more enjoyable controller. With the visual difference in the stick, purists may not find themselves all that happy with the look, but the end results should more than make up for it. If you are someone who wanted to upgrade your old hardware, this is an option, just note that it won’t work on your actual Nintendo 64. Your Switch on the other hand will register it as a Nintendo 64 controller, so there is that. With the usual platform support offerings, and the smoothness of the Hall effect sensor, there is a lot to enjoy here, just make sure you are ready for some DIY.
The Score
Review unit provided by 8BitDo
The Pros
+The impact that a smoother stick has can’t be underestimated
+Stick installation is a breeze as the unit is self-contained…
The Cons
-…the shoulder buttons however are more trouble than it’s worth
-The use of the GameCube style stick will annoy purists