Elite Dangerous is getting ready for Fleet Carriers

It has been a while since we heard much about Elite Dangerous and for good reason, the developers at Frontier have been hard at work bringing Fleet Carriers into the game, since its Gamescom 2019 reveal and now they have announced, they will be ready this June.
Two open betas will allow all players to experience Fleet Carriers ahead of their launch into the live game. Beta 1 is open to PC players and will commence in April 7. Beta 2 will include PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players and will take place in May.
Though expensive, once purchased, Commanders can choose whether to invest and open up new services on their mobile hubs, including repair docks, refuelling stations, shipyards and more. Incorporating player-to-player commerce for the first time in Elite Dangerous, Fleet Carrier owners can also set tariffs on all goods traded on their Carrier's services to support the weekly upkeep costs, from wear and tear maintenance to crew wages and Tritium, a new fuel commodity needed to power the megaships.
Aspiring Commanders will be able to customize their Fleet Carriers to their hearts’ content, adapting these majestic spaceships to their preferred playstyle, but they will also need to plan and balance their finances to cover running costs, as persistent debt that eventually exceeds the debt threshold could see carriers decommissioned and sold for parts.