Elite Dangerous explains the new Fleets with significant detail

Frontier promised more details about the upcoming Fleet Carrier additions to Elite Dangerous and boy did they deliver, check out this 50min deep dive into the Fleets.
With so much information, there is a lot to try and remember, thankfully they anticipated this and provided a quick rundown of all the important bits of information.
Costs 5,000,000,000 credits for the base model, which includes a Commodity Market and a Tritium Depot.
The ships are individually owned, and the owner can only have one Fleet Carrier at a time.
Owner can manage docking permissions.
Has 16 landing pads: 8 Large, 4 Medium, 4 Small.
Do not have determined loadouts but instead have Optional Services that can be tailored to the playstyle of the owner's choice.
Max jump range of 500ly.
Require the commodity 'Tritium' as fuel to perform a jump, which can be mined from asteroids or purchased from starports.
Require regular maintenance, which incur weekly running costs.
Additional services can be purchased from Carrier Construction starports, and contribute to the overall weekly running costs.
Bank: used for all Fleet Carrier transactions; buying services, paying visitors for desired commodities, restocking and more.
Owners unable to keep up to date with the weekly running costs will incur debt. Once a huge amount of debt has been accrued, their Fleet Carrier may be at risk of being decommissioned.
There are, however, multiple ways to manage a Fleet Carrier to continue generating revenue, or minimise services when you wish to reduce running costs.