Elite Dangerous outlines the rest of 2019

Frontier have been quiet on the Elite Dangerous front of late, but over the weekend at Lavecon (what ever that is) they changed that tune, giving details about the September update, the massive December update and more.
Kicking things off in September, players, both new and old, will find that when they start a new game, they will get an entirely new experience, from the moment they appear in the cockpit. This new experience will give new players, and maybe those who have forgotten, a way to learn the basics, including things like the basic flight controls, scanning, navigation and more.
There is even a combat exercise around a megaship, to test your skills in battle, before your final test, docking at a starport, a hyperspace jump away. Those who don’t want to start a new game, can jump into the training section to experience it.
For the December update, they dropped a teaser video that shows off a little about the Fleet Carriers, check it out.
The final piece of news is that the entire currency system is being overhauled and will be called Arx, there is a lot to understand about this, so hitting up the official site is your best chance to see what impacts you.