New playable characters announced for Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris

Bandai Namco have announced that Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is now up for digital pre-order and celebrating this, they have released a new trailer, which you can see below, as well as new playable character details.
In addition to the series lead Kirito, players will also be able to select from a massive number of playable characters, including these three newly announced ones:
Renly Synthesis Twenty-Seven: Part of the Integrity Knights, he battles against the Dark Territory forces as the leader of the Human Empire army. Renly is the only character who can use the Twin-Wing Blades weapons and especially the “Twin-Edged Wings”.
Sheyta Synthesis Twelve: Integrity Knight also known as Sheyta the Silent Taciturn, the Administrator gave Sheyta a divine weapon able to slash any and all things, The Black Lily Sword.
Sortiliena Serlut: Graduating second in her class at the Swordcraft Academy, Sortiliena was served by Kirito whom earned her respect. She uses her own battle style with Claymore-type weapons.