Resident Evil 3 - Bargain Guide

Capcom hit the winning formula when they remastered Resident Evil 2, many folks thought they would just remake it, like they did the original one on Gamecube, but it seems the developers thought to do much, much more and I, like many others are glad they did.
The fact that we are getting a remake of Resident Evil 3 within a year, more or less, is crazy and as crazy as that is, the prices for the game are even more so. Amazon have the cheapest on both platforms, but there is a big difference in price between the two, EB Games is the most expensive, but they have a special edition offering. Regardless of where you go, just no that the Nemesis is likely to be right behind you.
Xbox Marketplace
Digital Pre-Order - $92.70 - Link
Comes with Classic Costume Pack - Contains the Jill Classic and Carlos Classic Hair costumes, based on the characters' appearances in the original Resident Evil 3
Demo - Link
PlayStation Store
Digital Pre-Order - $92.95 - Link
Comes with Classic Costume Pack - Contains the Jill Classic and Carlos Classic Hair costumes, based on the characters' appearances in the original Resident Evil 3
Demo - Link