New Star Wars game leaked via the PlayStation Store... apparently

According to a twitter bot, that scans the European PlayStation Store, for updates and new listings, a new Star Wars game is coming. The bot listed the title as Maverick, but it was the art work that grabbed the attention. Check out the tweet below.
As you can see the art is clearly Star Wars inspired, now it is still up in the air if that is something new, or a remaster of a classic title. Given the ships appear to be around Mustafar, known as the birth place of Darth Vader and also where Obi-Wan had the high ground.
But the small fleet of X-Wings also push it forward to the original trilogy timeline, which could mean a Rogue Squadron remaster or new entry in that beloved series. The rumor is that EA Motive, the folks behind the single player campaign in Star Wars Battlefront II are the leads on this, but we really don’t have much to confirm with at this point.
So now we play the waiting game, but what do you want, something new, or a revisit to a classic series?