Roller Champions is getting an Alpha and now coming to consoles and mobile as well

Ubisoft have announced two big things for Roller Champions, the first is that the game will have a closed Alpha, starting March 12 and running until March 24. The second is that the game is now coming to Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and mobile devices, check out the closed Alpha trailer below.
Sign ups for the closed Alpha are available here and those that do get in will be able to enjoy skating, passing, dodging, shooting, and the chance tackling your way to sweet, sweet victory. In addition, there are some exclusive in game items, that will carry across to the the full game. If that was not enough, a brand new arena, Chichén Itzá, will also be playable in the event.
On top of all that, the game was announced to now be coming to additional platforms, Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and mobile, check out a proper gameplay video below, to see what to expect. Right now, the game only has a release date of 2020, but once the closed Alpha is done, that should get a refinement.