She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episode 6 - Review

After last weeks filler episode, I was hoping that this weeks would start to push the story forward a bit and it did do that, if barely. But just like last week, this latest episode was more filler and while there was some good moments, that however isn’t enough.
With the revelation that She-Hulk is owned by Jen Walters now, I was hoping that she would embrace the name going forward and she did, by attending the wedding, of someone she went to high school with. While we did get to see one outfit that Luke made for her last week, it wasn’t a business suit or the highly anticipated supersuit, but rather a dress and while it worked for the story, there was so much missing from that end sequence that should have been addressed here. What was great to see though was with Jen finally starting to become comfortable with her Hulk side, she opted to embrace it, for a petty reason, but still embrace it she did and for her friend to basically say no, I kinda felt bad for Jen, until the next scene when you realise that she didn’t pack any normal size clothes.
Jen deciding to feel sorry for herself was an inevitable outcome and when her friend and the other bridesmaids just kept dumping crappy jobs on her, I thought she might turn green and get stuff done. The wedding played out like any other wedding, including the clearly there-for-another-reason Titania and while it was fun to see Jen and her finally get into the first of I am sure many encounters, it was such a cheap one that the best part was when Titania fell on her own. The sub-plot of Jen meeting a potentially creepless man, was nice, but I will admit the whole nice guy schtick did make me think about the call back to the blood and that he was a plant in order to try and get blood from her. Something that they called out in the ‘Previously On’ and hadn’t been mentioned since the end of the third episode, but it seems that was not the case, or at least yet.
The actual b story, an immortal man who fakes his death to avoid divorce could have been super cheesy and in fact it was, and it did worry me that this was going to become a standard thing for the show. But while Mr Immortal’s divorce proceedings were interesting, the call out to the website Intelligencia was the main thing from it, which lead to Nikki and Amelia discovering death threats and the like. This clearly can tie in to the other threat, the whole blood thing, but the show is being deliberately slow in how it chooses to reveal things, in fact this episode and the previous two haven’t really pushed the story forward in any meaningful way and when the run time, with credits is under half an hour, you can see that they are really stretching things out. This is not new for this series, Marvel have done it since their first show Wandavision and every other show since and while I was hoping they would have corrected those issues, they clearly have other things on their minds.
The show was lacking in the visual effects this week, apart from a few appearances from She-Hulk, the most intense effect was the breaking glass, the delay in the actresses sadly confirms it was done later. The times when She-Hulk did appear though was weird, as both main times there were shots that seemed to be PlayStation 3 in visual quality and while I may have defended the show early on, with the caveat that this is a new character, things haven’t improved and as I mentioned, in some shots went backwards. The show is clearly trying to do a lot without calling out the character all the time and that would work, if it was called Law and Order MCU, with the She-Hulk being just one of the characters, but sadly that is not the case. I could give them a pass and say that the issue is something they can’t correct now, but given they have some of the best visual effects studios working on the show, it shouldn’t be the case at all.
While this episode did eventually drive the plot forward, thanks to some last-minute clips of folks in lab coats, the rest of it was mostly filler and again, what story there was could have been done in any other episode. She-Hulk is having fun and I am enjoying the show, but I am not loving it, Tatiana Maslany is doing an amazing job bringing Jen to life, but her infectiousness isn’t enough. The show only has three episodes left for its season and any big changes now would feel crushed to fit into the time remaining.
The Score
The Pros
+We finally got to see the main story being pushed forward this episode, if barely
+Seeing Jen finally start to accept her greener self was a welcome change and showed growth for her
The Cons
-The wedding, whilst interesting, really didn’t need to happen at all and did little for the story
-The b story of the immortal divorcee wasn’t interesting, regardless of its larger implications